We don’t just build. We build proud.
Our Community
Part of our purpose at Waiotahi is to shape the world we live in. Whether Whakatāne, Ōpōtiki, Kawerau or Tauranga, our staff live locally and know the area better than anyone. Driven by a desire to leave their legacy, our team goes the extra mile to ensure the jobs we do build pride in the communities where we live.

The Company has a long-standing history within the Bay of Plenty and has been servicing the community for more than 65 years. To show our appreciation to the people and businesses that have supported us for more than half a century, Waiotahi provides financial support and resources to various community organisations throughout the region.
Here are just a few of the groups we’ve been proud to support.

Our People
As strong as a rock
Our leaders know the industry inside and out. They have the right balance of passion, pride, family-focused culture, level headedness and ability to think outside the square.