Scope of Works

Construction of a 40m interlocking sheet pile wall, anchored with Stingray SR3 anchors, extending between Te Puke Highway and the Kaituna River.

  • Installing an erosion control fence and silt curtain at the base of the riverbank.
  • Clearing vegetation from the bank.
  • Temporary shoulder widening with 200mm thick AP40 aggregate over 75 metres for contra-flow traffic.
  • Saw cutting and removing pavement and concrete surfaces, and cutting steel guardrails for delivery to the NZTA yard.
  • Installing 54 x 20m SCU46-750 sheet piles, with two rows of Stingray SR-3 ground anchors (54 x 15m and 27 x 15m), including all fixings, fasteners, and grout.
  • Erecting steel whalers to the second row of anchors and conducting water jetted pile driving. Monitoring vibrations and installing an inclinometer for 12 months.
  • Installing Bidim A19 geofabric and GAP65 batter fill, with a perforated and non-perforated subsoil drainage pipe, and compacted drainage aggregate.
  • Placing GAP65 subbase and TNZ M4 AP40 basecourse, modified with cement, followed by a two-coat grade 3/5 chipseal with a membrane seal.
  • Spreading topsoil, mulch, and hydroseeding, and installing Enkamat.
  • Planting Carex Secta and NZ Flax plants.
  • Constructing a 30MPa reinforced concrete ground beam and installing a semi-rigid MASH TL3 (NCHRP 350 TL4) safety barrier system, including 6 height transition sections.

Quick Facts

  • Contract Value: $1.4M
  • Location:Te Puke Highway
  • Duration: September 2021 – October 2022