Scope of Works
- Installation of Environmental controls and maintenance throughout works.
- Close liaison with utility providers for relocations and installation of new infrastructure.
- Removal of farm fences, existing drainage structures, traffic signs
- Removal of large trees adjacent SH34 and Kiwi Rail yard
- Earthworks including topsoil stripping and stockpiling for later re-use, cut to fill, cut to stockpile/fill and associated compaction testing.
- Installation of Stormwater, watermains and wastewater reticulation systems.
- Road construction woks including Subgrade improvement, Gap65 subbasecourse, NZTA B/6 cement stabilised subbase, M/4 basecourse, first coat sealing, deep lift asphalt, asphalt surfacing and the installation of traffic services.
- Relocate existing and new guardrail
- Construction of 20MPa concrete roundabout and associated kerb aprons on State Highway 34.
- Construction of concrete splitter islands, kerb, channel, footpaths.
- Landscaping.
Quick Facts
- Contract Value: $3.6M
- Location: 407 Tamarangi Drive (SH34 Kawerau)
- Duration: September 2020 to August 2021
- Completed within agreed timeframe and within budget